2018 Founders’ Day Celebration
It goes without saying that the people who collaborate with Community Foundation for the Alleghenies for charitable giving are, themselves, charitable. Now we know exactly how charitable. A survey of Community Foundations across the country – there are more than 750 of them – places CFA 31st among respondents in transactions this past year. That’s a measurement at the heart of what we do, taking into account every donation we collect, and every grant and gift that goes out. It’s a measurement of people giving money to the causes and projects that are meaningful to them, and other people using those funds to fuel good work as a result.
Based on the population of three of our four counties – Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset – CFA received $44.25 per capita in donations. The median for other community foundations our size was just over $28.00. Our region is filled with people and with businesses which are willing to put their money where their hearts lie.
“We are proud of our community because these numbers reflect something really special,” says CFA President Mike Kane. “They reflect a community made up of people who are invested in our collective present and our future, who have ideas and feelings and good will for the place we all call home.”

Community Foundation for the Alleghenies celebrates its 28th annual Founders’ Day at the Somerset Historical Center, with another consecutive year of measurable growth and impact. This past fiscal year, more than 5500 donors entrusted us with a collective $10.8 million, bringing our assets to nearly $72 million. We distributed $6.3 million in grants and charitable distributions, supporting 366 local nonprofits. And we awarded $805,000 in scholarships – a 46% jump from last year.
In fact, every one of these statistics is up from last year, illustrating our region’s growing faith in the power of helping one another to make positive, lasting change.
This is evident in the #SomersetCountyGives campaign, launched by CFA’s Somerset County Endowments office in January. In its first six months, we are nearly a third of the way to our goal of raising $1 million dollars over the next five years. This is a fund being created by and for Somerset County residents, who are pooling their resources to create permanent financial support for nonprofits in their own community.

“Connecting donors with our vibrant nonprofit community is central to our growing campaign,” adds CFA Somerset County Endowments Director Pamela Tokar-Ickes. “Tonight’s event is truly a celebration of the power of philanthropy right in our own backyard.”
As we reflect on the generosity that powers our work at the CFA, we see a light emerging in Bedford, Cambria, Indiana, and Somerset counties. This light shows us our way forward, to progressive, prosperous, dynamic days ahead. We are grateful for each and every one of our donors, and the individuals whose ideas and hard work put that funding to use – benefiting all of us, and the generations coming up behind us. Together, we shine brightly.
Much thanks to this year’s sponsors, who recognize the importance of celebrating the exciting work we do year-round:
1st Summit Bank
1889 Foundation
AmeriServ Bank
Barnes Saly & Co.
CBIZ Financial Services
CME Engineering
Cornerstone Advisors
Crown American
CTC Foundation
First Commonwealth Bank
Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies
Luther P. Miller, Inc.
North American Hoganas
OTS, Inc.
Dr. Richard & Anne Marie Pidutti
Silverman Tokarsky Forman & Hill
Mr. Larry & Mrs. Carol Stern
Stifel Investment Services
UPMC Altoona