President's Message

Prioritizing Transparency
The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies maintains the highest rank for transparency through GuideStar by Candid, and transparency is central to who we are as an organization. Click the “At a Glance” image to download or print our Quick Facts for Fiscal Year 2022. You can also find more detailed financial information—including lists of grants and donors for Fiscal Year 2022—at the links below.
Financial Statements & MORE
See the Impact: Annual Report Stories
We are committed to making change, building new strategies, and focusing our grantmaking accordingly.
The Community Foundation and are donors are invested in the success of a full network of thriving nonprofit organizations.
The Somerset County Endowment has seen success and support over the past year, reaching its first $1 million.
Partnership funds in Bedford County have been very busy this year, and charitable giving has been impressive.
We serve our community in many more ways than most people realize, but we’ve worked hard to make it simpler ...
Legacy Creation
The Community Foundation’s Legacy Society celebrates those who have made a commitment to care for our community in the future by including CFA as a beneficiary of a gift from their estate. We are also honored to work with donors of all types to design legacies around causes that are close to their heart. That may include a gift to an existing endowed fund, the creation of a fund of your own, or a number of other possibilities. We work hard to help you achieve your philanthropic dreams in the most impactful way possible.
If you are looking for assistance with estate planning, we can even connect you with one of the wealth advisors in our Philanthropic Leaders Advisory Network—or PLAN (see a list in the link below). Just reach out to CFA Director of Donor Services Katrina Perkosky at or 814-208-8411 to get started.
Fiscal Year 2022 Board & Committees
Michele Beener
President, Aspire Grant & Development LLC
John Blackburn, III
Retired, Pennsylvania State Police
Lauren Cascino Presser, Esq.
Ayres Presser Elder Law, LLC
Alan Cashaw
Retired, Chemical Engineer
Robert J. Eyer
CPA & Partner, Wessel & Company
Robert Forcey
Publisher, The Tribune-Democrat
Greg Glosser
President, M. Glosser & Sons
John M. Kriak
President, Group Genesis, LLC
Richard H. Mayer
Retired Publisher, The Tribune-Democrat
Dr. Tom Otis
President, Okard, Inc.
Sara Ann Sargent
President, Sargent’s Group
Randy Stager
Retired, Stager Chevrolet
Carol Stern
Retired Assistant Director/Director of Donor Services, Community Foundation for the Alleghenies
Jeff Stopko
President/CEO, AmeriServ Financial
Michelle Tokarsky, Esq.
Silverman, Tokarsky, & Forman LLC
Colleen Tretter
Registered Nurse
Deacon Jeffrey Wilson
Program Director, Flood City Youth Fitness Academy
Mark E. Pasquerilla – Chair
Chair, CEO & President, Crown American Realty Trust
Michael Sahlaney, Esq. – Secretary
Partner Sahlaney, Dudeck & Hochfeld Law Office
Terry K. Dunkle – Treasurer
Retired, Bank President/CEO
Louise Fisher
Wanda Keller*
Connie McClain
Kristine Olsen
Wilda Sanna*
Anita Sukenik
Amy Edmiston
John Kriak
Mark Pasquerilla
Lynne Ashe
John Blackburn III
Steven Dull
Haley Feaster
Kellie Goodman-Shaffer
Allen Harr
Alison Hostetler
Matt Otis
Leah Pepple
Stephanie Wingard
Debbie Bork
David Bork, Jr.
David Bork, Sr.
Jessica Borowitz
Michael Grimes, Jr.
Mark Pasquerilla
James Rihs
Michael Sahlaney, Esq.
William Shulick, Esq.
Lynn Ashe
Jodi Clark
Terry Dunkle
Katie Fink
Beth Hullihen
Jen Johnson
Ned Kendall
Sue Mann
Rob McCombie
Melanie Miller
Mark Pasquerilla
Michael Sahlaney, Esq.
Karen Struble-Myers
Michelle Tokarsky, Esq.
Vickie Beer
Allison Cook Hoffman
Gillian Hurt
Craig Minnick
Pamela Ream
Cathy Wheeler
Haley Feaster
Allison Cook Hoffman
Katie Kinka
Kyle Kunkle
Terry Dunkle
Robert Eyer, CPA
John Kriak
Richard Mayer
Mark Pasquerilla
Michael Sahlaney, Esq.
Sara Ann Sargent
Jeffrey Stopko
Michelle Tokarsky, Esq.
Vickie Beer
Terry Dunkle
Robert Eyer, CPA
Robert Forcey
Monica Klatt
John Kriak
Kyle Kunkle
Alan Metzler
Mark Pasquerilla
Samuel Catanese
Casey Craig
Kim Craig
Steven Dull
John Kriak
Mark Pasquerilla
Craig Saylor
Tyler Trimbath
Joel Valentine
Olivia Bragdon
Dennis Brawley
Lauren Cascino-Presser, Esq.
Kellie Goodman-Shaffer
Rev. Sylvia King
Mark Pasquerilla
Kayla Puchko Stephenson
Dr. Leah S. Spangler
Colleen Tretter
Deanna Weaverling
Chris Baxter
Matt Decort
George Fetsko
Michael Kiel
Russell Kiel
Brent Kinley
Stephanie Schrift
Randy Stager
Vickie Beer
Henry Cook
Theodore Deskevich
John Fiesta
Allison Hoffman
Matthew Melvin, Esq.
Lana Miller
Mark Miller
Pamela Ream
Carol Stern
Comissioner Pamela Tokar-Ickes
Cathy Wheeler
Hon. Scott Bittner, Esq.
Sharon Clapper
Theodore Deskevich
Bruce Hottle
Lana Miller
Melanie Miller
Carol Stern
Cathy Wheeler
Brian Whipkey
Barnes, Saly & Company, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Robert Allen, Executive Director, Emeritus
Dr. Frank Blackington
Abe Beerman
Scott Becker
G. Henry Cook
Lori Copley
Kim Craig
Allan Dennison
Raymond DiBattista
Dr. Albert L. Etheridge
The Hon. Linda Rovder Fleming
Robert Gleason, III
Dr. Curtis Goldblatt
Gary Horner, Esq., Secretary
Darryl Myers
Renuka Narahari
D. C. Nokes, Esq.
Daniel Perkins
Bill Rice
James V. Saly
Thomas C. Slater
Kenneth Shorts
Matthew Smith
Robert D. Sweet
Ernest Wadsworth
Supporting Organizations
These funds act under the Community Foundation’s fiscal and administrative oversight, but with their own board and mission.
The Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds (FPW), formerly known as the Western Pennsylvania Watershed Program, is a grant-making foundation that invests in efforts to protect healthy, natural streams around the state—and also to clean up pollution and repair damaged wildlife habitat.
FracTracker was originally developed to investigate health concerns and data gaps surrounding western Pennsylvania fracking. Today, as a non-profit organization, FracTracker Alliance supports groups across the United States, addressing pressing extraction-related concerns with a lens toward health effects and exposure risks from oil and gas development. The organization provides timely and provocative data, ground-breaking analyses, maps, and other visual tools to help advocates, researchers, and the concerned public better understand the harms posed by hydrocarbon extraction.
In 2011, the John P. Murtha Foundation became associated with the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies. We are grateful for the opportunity to be of service in working together in our mutual goals of bettering our community.
The mission of the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council is to build a food system that benefits our communities, economy, and environment in ways that are just, equitable, and sustainable. Driven by community-led solutions, we bring together over 80 entities and 120 individuals to re-imagine our region’s food system and seek policies that promote local food growing, sustainable agriculture, equitable development, and access to healthy food, particularly in low-income communities.
The Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project is a nonprofit environmental health organization created to assist and support Washington County residents who believe their health has been, or could be, impacted by natural gas drilling activities.