Vintondale AMD and ART Park Treatment System and Wetland Fund
To provide an endowment that will benefit primarily the Vintondale AMD&ART Park Treatment System and secondarily the immediately adjacent wetlands.
Virginia Jean Wright Endowment for Tenley Park Fund
To benefit Tenley Park, a public park owned by the Borough of Everett in Bedford County, Pennsylvania.
Voices of Hope Fund
To provide support for Voices of Hope's mission of creating awareness about rape culture from the survivors of sexual violence in order to prevent sexual assault from occurring.
Walter C. Allen, Jr. Fund U/W FBO Memorial Hospital of Bedford County Fund
To benefit UPMC Bedford (formerly Memorial Hospital of Bedford County). The fund should be used for improvements to the hospital facility, in memory of Walter C. Allen and Ethelle Allen, husband and wife and parents of Walter C. Allen, Jr.
Turkeyfoot Valley Historical Society Fund
To support the endeavors of the Turkeyfoot Valley Historical Society to study, collect, and preserve documents, buildings, sites, landmarks, and other items of historical interest and aesthetic and social value relating to the history of the Turkeyfoot Valley area and…
Valley Pike Manor Fund
To reflect the purposes of Valley Pike Manor to provide housing, education and supportive services to low income and homeless persons and to positively impact the larger 8th Ward Community.
Sylvia T. Pasquerilla Good Shepherd Fund for Social Services & Spiritual Care
To provide funds to help people who are hungry, poor, homeless, or sick and without medical insurance.