Western PA Economic Development Workshop Fund
To provide support for a workshop on economic development in small, college-anchored communities in Western Pennsylvania.
To provide support for a workshop on economic development in small, college-anchored communities in Western Pennsylvania.
To provide support for the Reimagine Beaver County community project.
To support scholarships for graduating senior students at Punxsutawney Area High School who are pursuing post-secondary education at college, university, or vocational technical school.
To support scholarships for graduating senior students at Dubois Area High School.
To support scholarships for graduating senior students at Dubois Area School District who are pursuing post-secondary education.
To support scholarships for graduating senior students at Punxsutawney High School pursuing any type of post-secondary education.
To provide scholarship support to graduates who are members of the First Methodist Church in Punxsutawney, PA.
To provide support for the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council mission to implement a collective impact model to create a more just, sustainable, and equitable food system for all.
To support graduating seniors in the Armstrong School District, from the attendance areas of Shannock Valley, Dayton, and Elderton, pursuing education through an accredited post-secondary institution.
To support efforts by nonprofit organizations engaged in environmental protection efforts and creating alternatives to petrochemical/shale expansion in the Ohio River Valley and Appalachia region.